Stonex Unveils New Scanners and Total Stations

At the international INTERGEO 2022 Fair in Essen (an international event in the surveying and mapping geographic information industry on October 18th – 20th), the Italian brand Stonex Positioning showed a strongly refreshed portfolio of its geodetic instruments, which would include our first looks at robotic total stations along with ground and mobile 3D scanners. […]
Escáner láser 3D portátil Stonex X120Go SLAM (español)
Este es el folleto en español del escáner láser 3D portátil Stonex X120Go Slam. El sistema tiene un cabezal giratorio de 360°, que puede generar una cobertura de nube de puntos de 360°x270°. Combinado con el algoritmo SLAM de nivel industrial, puede obtener datos de nube de puntos tridimensionales de alta precisión del entorno circundante […]
Stonex X120Go SLAM Handheld 3D Laser Scanner
This is the English brochure for the Stonex X120Go Slam Handheld 3D Laser Scanner. The system has a 360° rotating head, which can generate a 360°x270° point cloud coverage. Combined with the industry-level SLAM algorithm, it can obtain high-precision three-dimensional point cloud data of the surrounding environment without light and GPS. Equipped with three 5MP […]
Stonex X100 Laser Scanner Brochure
This brochure is the English version for the Stonex X100 Laser Scanner. The X100 is a small and compact terrestrial laser scanner that is quick and easy to use. Its multi-line lidar technology and ability to achieve complete coverage of the surrounding area enable it to calculate 3D models for a wide range of applications […]
Official Manual of Surveying Instructions

This file is the Manual of Surveying Instructions for the Survey of the Public Lands of the United States. The official Manual of Surveying Instructions describes how surveys of the public lands are made in conformance to statutory law and its judicial interpretation helping reduce the number of incorrect surveys that are made in the […]
Colleges and Universities for Land Surveyors

In the field of land surveying almost every surveyor dreams of becoming a professionally licensed surveyor or PSL. This may seem like a daunting task, but it is definitely manageable and can be achieved much easier depending on which state you are in. Some states require what is called an ABET accredited bachelor’s degree to […]
Dunham and Morrow Magnetic Locator Article

The Dunham & Morrow is one of the most sophisticated, state-of-the-art Magnetic Locators you will ever find. This magnetic locator is highly reliable and user-friendly. It was built rugged enough to make sure that the operator can be able to take it to jobs under the most demanding field conditions. All Dunham & Morrow products […]
Stonex Stories – The Most Popular GNSS Receiver

The Stonex S900A is the most popular GNSS Receiver out on the market today. Every land surveyor knows how important a GNSS Receiver is to their job and that it is a big investment. Many surveyors look for top brand names for these units because that’s their “safest” bet. Unfortunate to say, Stonex is here […]
How Are Magnetic Locators Applied in Surveying?

We’ve all seen or heard of people buying metal detectors to scan their backyard or the beach looking for some sort of precious metals hidden underground. While this may not seem very relevant when it comes to surveying, the use of magnetic locators draws some parallels as they are similar devices. How are magnetic locators […]
Everything You Need To Know About Flagging Tape

When you think of surveying, oftentimes equipment such as total stations and GNSS receivers will come to mind. But an important part of surveying that is important to be familiar with is the marking and taping of the land before the use of the big survey equipment is brought out. The first thing most surveyors […]