Stonex Unveils New Scanners and Total Stations

At the international INTERGEO 2022 Fair in Essen (an international event in the surveying and mapping geographic information industry on October 18th – 20th), the Italian brand Stonex Positioning showed a strongly refreshed portfolio of its geodetic instruments, which would include our first looks at robotic total stations along with ground and mobile 3D scanners. […]
Escáner láser 3D portátil Stonex X120Go SLAM (español)
Este es el folleto en español del escáner láser 3D portátil Stonex X120Go Slam. El sistema tiene un cabezal giratorio de 360°, que puede generar una cobertura de nube de puntos de 360°x270°. Combinado con el algoritmo SLAM de nivel industrial, puede obtener datos de nube de puntos tridimensionales de alta precisión del entorno circundante […]
Stonex X120Go SLAM Handheld 3D Laser Scanner
This is the English brochure for the Stonex X120Go Slam Handheld 3D Laser Scanner. The system has a 360° rotating head, which can generate a 360°x270° point cloud coverage. Combined with the industry-level SLAM algorithm, it can obtain high-precision three-dimensional point cloud data of the surrounding environment without light and GPS. Equipped with three 5MP […]
Escáner láser Stonex X100 (español)
Este folleto es la versión en español del escáner láser Stonex X100. El X100 es un escáner láser terrestre pequeño y compacto que es rápido y fácil de usar. Su tecnología lidar multilínea y su capacidad para lograr una cobertura completa del área circundante le permiten calcular modelos 3D para una amplia gama de aplicaciones […]
Stonex X100 Laser Scanner Brochure
This brochure is the English version for the Stonex X100 Laser Scanner. The X100 is a small and compact terrestrial laser scanner that is quick and easy to use. Its multi-line lidar technology and ability to achieve complete coverage of the surrounding area enable it to calculate 3D models for a wide range of applications […]
Dunham and Morrow Magnetic Locator Article

The Dunham & Morrow is one of the most sophisticated, state-of-the-art Magnetic Locators you will ever find. This magnetic locator is highly reliable and user-friendly. It was built rugged enough to make sure that the operator can be able to take it to jobs under the most demanding field conditions. All Dunham & Morrow products […]
GeoMax Zoom95 In Depth Information